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Healthcare Design Awards 01908 350500


Using expert knowledge and market evidence we assist our clients with negotiating a fair Market Rent and lease terms

Whilst rent reviews and lease renewals are dealt with by a number of professional firms, few also have the detailed knowledge of the specialist business property sectors in which Pinders operate. We are able to combine an in-depth understanding of the terms of a lease with an appreciation of the business to which it relates.

Our involvement can extend from providing an initial opinion as to the Market Rent, through to helping with the serving of relevant Notices and negotiating with the other party or their professional advisors.

Whilst many disputes can be resolved amicably, reference to an Independent Expert or an Arbitrator is sometimes required and we can either act in these capacities or prepare the formal submissions.

Not all of our work in this area relates to disputes, and we are also able to assist clients with the negotiation of specific lease terms, provide guidance on franchise agreements and advise on short term licences, working closely with the party’s legal representative where appropriate.

Richard Stamp, Head of Consultancy

Experts in Consultancy

Richard Stamp, Head of Consultancy

Contact Richard or one of our team on 01908 350500


Grade II Listed Public House
Specialist Care & Education School

Consultancy Services